
François Laurent - Minaudanses (deuxième cahier)

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François Laurent - Minaudanses (deuxième cahier)


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François Laurent - Minaudanses (deuxième cahier)

pour duos, trio et quatuors de guitare

5 petites danses très ludiques accessibles à des élèves de cycle 1

Danse de la pluie

Danse du farwest

Danse de la neige

Danse décalée

Danse de james

classical guitar magazine

 This is a collection of student ensemble material  -probably  aimed  towards  the  early  grade  players  - and  consists of five dances, four  of which  are  for quartet, one  for trio  and  the  last  one  taking  the form of a 'round', therefore  any number could take part here. For  this  technical   standard the  pieces  are  well written; each parts comprised  of mostly single-line music with some pleasant melodies and unsurpris­ing harmonies. Rhythmically  these  are straight forward  compositions, with  perhaps the  most  adven­turous, and  therefore  most  interesting,  being  the interplay  between  the  four  guitars in Danse  de la Pluie. This is a very nice addition  to the student ensem­ble repertoire  and is ideal material  for the informal concert. The edition comes with full score and sep­arate  parts  for each  player.

Steve Marsh

EEM 404

Fiche technique

Laurent François
Cycle 1
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